JARRAD Mahon and Denise Thompson started Investors Edge Real Estate in response to what they saw as poor property management service and a lack of understanding for their needs as landlords.
Together they built the agency from the ground up, initially focusing on property management, with the business winning the 2013 REIWA award for small residential agency of the year.
Investors Edge Real Estate manages property in 107 Perth suburbs and has sold properties in 92 suburbs.
Mr Mahon said the business’s next challenge was to double the value of the rental portfolio and create a geographic team to further improve efficiency and collaboration.
He writes for Residential Property Manager magazine and Smart Property Investment magazine as a blogger and is regularly featured on ABC Radio, PropertyObserver.com.au and in Australian Property Investor magazine.
Mr Mahon is involved in mentoring with the Smith Family and successfully ran two large-scale events for stepUP Foundation, an organisation for at-risk teenagers.
Every three months Mr Mahon and the team at Investors Edge Real Estate volunteer their time to cook meals for sick children and their families at Ronald McDonald House.