As CEO of Perth-based company Inner Vision Biometrics, Dr James Williams is making a significant contribution to the biotech industry in Western Australia.
With a PhD from Melbourne University, Dr Williams began the commercialisation path at the University of Western Australia as a senior research officer in the Laboratory for Cancer Medicine. He then became a consultant for Argus Biomedical, helping to commercialise biotechnology from extensive research. The biotechnology consisted of an artificial cornea that was developed as an alternative to donated human corneas. Dr Williams was soon managing director of the company, with the group awarded an AusIndustry R&D Start Grant under his leadership. He was appointed chief executive of Inner Vision Biometrics in May 2004. IVB is commercialising a diagnostic test that enables non-invasive measurement of liver concentration, developed in the Physics department at UWA. The value of the research done by the company is evident in the fact that the market capitalisation of IVB’s ASX listed parent has grown by more than 70 per cent.