Ian Junk formed Donegal Resources with his brother Leigh in 2000 after purchasing a nickel mine in Kambalda, and is managing director of the company. Donegal Resources is involved in mine ownership via joint ventures, and mine management and mine operations consulting specialising in innovative underground narrow vein mine planning and operations.
After the successful management and sale of joint venture interests in several mines, Mr Junk became involved as a consultant providing advice on mining plans and techniques for companies including Reed Resources and View Resources. He is responsible for developing mining strategy and project feasibility for the Sally Malay joint venture. Mr Junk’s most significant business accomplishment was winning the tender in 2000 for the Miitel nickel mine for $38 million. It was after the successful implementation of an innovative mining method at Miitel that the Junk brothers were chosen as the 2003 Ernst & Young WA Young Entrepreneur of the Year.
The brothers also made an ongoing commitment to sustainable mining from both an environmental and socio-cultural perspective, and were instrumental in reviving the Kambalda community by employing local people and using local suppliers.
Mr Junk is a strong promoter of the Kambalda community and the WA School of Mines, and was voted 2004 Coolgardie Shire Citizen of the Year for services to the local community. He is also P&C president of the Kambalda Primary School and president of the local scout group.