Tuesday, 13 January, 2015 - 15:55
CEO Survey Results - the year ahead
More than 60 CEOs from WA provided Business News with detailed views on the year past, the next 12 months, their vision for the state, and what they expect from political leaders.
David Reid had an idea for a management consultancy that would consult on a case by case basis. With no background in the industry, no consulting tools or models to work from and no existing client relationships, David established the David Reid Group literally one day after resigning from his previous role. Two years after starting, David won a contract with BankWest and has since been delivering sales and sales leadership management programs to BankWest Business Banking.
Name | Current company |
More than 60 CEOs from WA provided Business News with detailed views on the year past, the next 12 months, their vision for the state, and what they expect from political leaders.
More than 60 CEOs from WA provided Business News with detailed views on the year past, the next 12 months, their vision for the state, and what they expect from political leaders.
Business News’ CEO survey has unearthed strong views on the turbulent 12 months just gone, while also offering some timely advice to our political leaders.
Position | Company | Year | Company's current rank | WA staff |