Uniting WA (formerly UnitingCare West) is a community services agency of the Uniting Church that touches the lives of thousands of families and individuals each year. The organisation is founded on Christian principles and values with the particular Christian ethos of the Uniting Church in Australia.
Uniting WA is part of the UnitingCare national network of more than 400 Uniting Church agencies providing community services to over 1.8 million Australians each year. Uniting WA commenced operations as UnitingCare West on 1 July 2006 and was formed as a result of a merger of some or all of the programs and services of Fremantle Wesley Mission, Mofflyn, Rainbow Project, Trinity Outreach Services, UCA Outreach, Uniting Community House, UnitingCare Kwinana and Wesley Mission Perth.
In May 2020, UnitingCare West changed its name and began trading as Uniting WA.