The Town of East Fremantle has embarked on a strategic planning process and is accepting submissions from business and the community on how best to revitalise the area.
Sol Health’s plan to build an $18 million aquatic, health and lifestyle centre in Butler received a funding boost this month following the state government’s decision to award $2.4 million towards the cost of a swimming pool.
Western Australia’s top architecture prize, the George Temple Pool award, was handed to Melbourne-based studio Jackson Clements Burrows Architects last Friday night for an Applecross residence.
Western Australians are spending more on home renovations than ever before, as the combined effect of rising house prices and building delays flows through the sector.
Construction and property development company Rapley Wilkinson has its eye on a greater share of Western Australia's booming regional housing market following its acquisition of transportable homes manufacturer Blue Ridge this week.
Competition in Western Australia’s mortgage broking market looks set to intensify this year as three of Australia’s most successful non-bank lenders prepare to open new branches across the state.
While the long-awaited expansion of the Wanneroo Central Shopping Centre takes shape, a new retail strip is under construction across the road, which is almost fully leased.
Tenants occupying premium office space in Perth’s central business district have added cause for concern this month following a record $650/square metre net rental review agreement at Central Park.
The increasing demand for accommodation in Perth could see the median weekly asking rent for units breach the $300 mark later this year, and even surpass the median rent for houses, according to market analysts Australian Property Monitors.
The City of Perth has built up an investment portfolio worth an estimated $150 million this financial year, 22 per cent up on the $117 million from the previous year.
The controversial $200 million Victoria Quay redevelopment in Fremantle is a step closer today following the lodging of a development application with the Western Australian Planning Commission by the City of Fremantle.
It was to be transformed into a $60 million luxury Hilton-branded resort this year, but Coral Bay’s Ningaloo Reef Resort has found a new direction under the ownership of Perth-based Aspen Group.
The shortage of parking bays in Perth may worsen before it improves if plans by the City of Perth to demolish its 490-bay Elder Street car park go ahead this year.
Saville Australia’s plan to develop Perth’s tallest apartment tower of 41 storeys on the former Emu Brewery site is gaining momentum with the appointment this week of Melbourne-based construction company, Contexx Pty Ltd.
The founder of Western Australia’s largest privately owned retirement village and aged-care business believes further consolidation is likely as big players seek to maximise profits and smaller players look to exit the sector.
Saville Australia's plan to develop Perth's tallest apartment tower of 41-storeys on the former Emu Brewery site is gaining momentum with the appointment today of Melbourne-based construction company Contexx Pty Ltd.
Perth median unit rents hit an all-time high of $295 per week in the March quarter this year, almost topping the new $300 median rental record for houses according to latest Australian Property Monitors figures.
Fini Group founder Tony Fini has negotiated a $180 million deal to sell his retirement village portfolio to investment bank Babcock & Brown and prominent retirement village player Primelife Corporation Ltd.
It may be four months out from the nomination period for the City of Perth elections, but lord mayoral hopeful Neil McKinnon is already treading the terrace pavement to drum up support.
Labour and material shortages may be hurting some builders, but most in the industry are enjoying a period of above-average profits, according to a survey of Western Australia’s largest builders.
Dunsborough real estate agents the De Chiera family will merge their Professionals agency with local competitors Stocker Preston and Down South Realty from July 1.
After securing the $335 million fixed-price contract to build Perth’s multi-purpose indoor stadium, Len Buckeridge’s BGC is now under pressure to deliver by early 2010.
The state government’s appointment of BGC to build the Perth Arena by early 2010 has again raised questions as to the future of the ageing Burswood Dome.
It has been three years since Indonesian real estate mogul Mimi Wong went on a $20 million spending spree in Western Australia, buying two prime sites in the CBD and Burswood with plans to develop high-rise apartments.
The rising cost of bricks and building labour in Western Australia has led some building companies and their clients to switch to pre-manufactured walling products made of glass fibre, gypsum plaster and polystyrene.
The growth in popularity of outdoor adventure activities has prompted one of the nation’s major adventure goods retailers to set up shop in Western Australia.
A consortium of Western Australian architects and planners has outdone a number of national and international bids to win the design and planning contract for the $1.1 billion Fiona Stanley Hospital at Murdoch.
Western Australia’s powerhouse economy has moved into top gear, sparking unprecedented levels of demand for infrastructure and creating a volume of construction work across the state that’s challenging the sector.