With housing affordability squarely on the national agenda in the lead up to the federal election, one of Western Australia’s most prolific residential developers, Nigel Satterley
Retail giant Harvey Norman is finalising a lease over a huge parcel of land at Jandakot Airport, opening the way for the construction of one of Perth’s biggest industrial warehouses.
Beldon Shopping Centre may appear to be an unremarkable neighbourhood shopping centre in the northern suburbs, but a major refurbishment during the next 12 months aims to transform it into one of Australia’s first six-star Green Star centres.
Retailers may be enjoying some of the strongest market conditions on record in Western Australia, but their landlords are making sure the good times are shared around.
With Western Australia’s new housing market continuing to boom and cashed-up consumers upgrading to better fridges and lounge suites, the state’s bulky goods retailing sector is basking in the state’s prosperity.
With decent supply of new office space in Perth’s CBD at least two years away and rents continuing to escalate, some companies are starting to sub-lease non-essential space to take advantage of strong market conditions.
Retail property owners and developers may be keen to build new shopping centres and expand existing assets amid WA's booming population and prosperity, but they face a number of planning challenges at a state and local level to achieve their goals.
With hundreds of millions of dollars being spent on the development of new shopping centres in Western Australia, the design of the centre can make or break it.
Their stores occupy some of the most exclusive real estate in the world, but with retail spending at an all-time high in Western Australia, luxury brands such as Versace, Tiffany & Co, Chanel and La Perla are suddenly taking notice of Perth.
Office vacancy rates in the CBD are continuing to tighten with new figures showing the vacancy rate has fallen to a record low of 0.53 per cent at the end of September, down from 0.7 per cent in July.
The $7.3 million sale of the Brass Monkey in Northbridge last week to listed property trust ALE Property Group Ltd is the latest in a series of significant purchases in the hotel sector.
The City of Perth Heritage Appeal is challenging negative perceptions by launching two innovative programs and pushing the economic case for heritage preservation.
Growth in the Western Australian residential property sector over the past year may not have reached the stellar heights of the 2004-06 period, but a double-digit return still points to the market’s continuing strength.
Laurance Cellar's controversial Margaret River sculpture, dubbed the "chick on a stick", will live on after the State Administrative Tribunal ruled against the Shire of Busselton by approving the artwork today.
The next wave of office developments in West Perth is about to begin, with the City of Perth dealing with a number of new development and building applications.
It may have made its name selling haberdashery and bolts of chiffon, but big box-style retailer Spotlight is moving on by diversifying into home decor and party supplies, investing more than $10 million in the Western Australian market.
Arguably the centre of Perth’s emerging arts scene in the 1960s and synonymous with bohemian parties, the striking 33 Broadway building in Nedlands is undergoing its latest evolution as a creative space.
Woolworths subsidiary, Dan Murphy’s, is almost ready to open its first large-format discount outlet in Western Australia on Culloton Crescent, Westminster, after looking for an entry point into the state’s liquor retailing scene for several years.
With office space on Perth’s city fringe in high demand, the Herdsman Business Park is experiencing a development boom with six office projects expected to come on-line next year.
Perth's housing market is staging a modest recovery with the median house price reaching $460,000 in the September quarter and tipped to keep rising until the New Year according to the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia.
There are no signs of a let-up in activity in Perth’s prestige property market, with predictions a handful of homes will break the $16 million residential sale record set in April
Broome’s accommodation sector is basking in the strong market for tourism assets with new resorts opening their doors and several developers preparing to launch significant new projects.
With a median house price in excess of $610,000, rents for three-bedroom houses up to $1,000 per week and more workers yet to arrive, the Shire of Broome and the state government are trying to get more land onto the market to ease the housing crisis.
The sharp decline in housing approvals in Western Australia during the past 18 months has raised concerns about the health of the state’s rental market and worsening housing affor
Two of the tallest residential apartment towers proposed for Perth – Capital Square and 18 The Esplanade – are vying for Western Australia’s apartment sale record, with offers of around $16 million already presented for their luxury penthouses.
Maintaining a focus on Western Australia’s second and third homebuyer markets has proved a wise move for several builders featured in the annual Housing Industry Association Housing 100 report released last week.