ASX-listed PolarX is firing up the drill rigs in the snow-covered Nevada mountains on the hunt for some US Christmas gold to ring in the new year at its Star Canyon prospect.
The WA-based US gold-silver explorer has sunk five holes in its latest RC drill campaign in the Humboldt Ranges with six left to tap.
The campaign is sniffing around a patch where high grade gold and silver was struck in May this year including a bonanza 9.1m intercept at 124.4 g/t gold at 48.6 g/t silver from 27.4m.
Mineralisation at the project remains open and the extent of the bonanza grade vein is yet to be defined.
Outside of the headline hit in May the maiden drill campaign returned wide, low-grade intersections including a 73.2m intercept at 0.28 g/t gold from 36.6m.
Assays from the latest Star Canyon drill campaign will return from the Reno lab about five weeks after delivery.
The region has long been on the radar of those seeking riches with the discovery of silver in 1861 leading to growth of the bustling albeit short-lived Star City township.
For many prospectors of the day gold and copper were considered by-products of silver mining in the area, a trend which continued until the early 1900s.
Major gold ores were found in 1907 but it wasn’t until the 1930s when a viable large-scale industry took off on the back of the historic Jumbo mine about two hours north of the Humboldt Range.
Among those to take an interest in the mine was former US President and WA Goldfields mining engineer Herbert Hoover according to a 1936 New York Times report.
The area’s modern day Florida Canyon gold mine has produced on and off since 1986 and was acquired by Argonaut Gold in 2020.
PolarX’s tenement sits within earshot of the five-million-ounce mine.
Favourable results confirming a strong bonanza gold vein from the Christmas drill campaign could set the Subiaco-based explorer up for a busy year on its American tenements.
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