Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation has launched a new fundraiser to fight childhood cancer, challenging teams in a 24-hour boxing event.

Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation (PCHF) has launched a new fundraiser to fight childhood cancer, challenging teams in a boxing event for 24 consecutive hours.
Punching for a Cure will take place on April 4 at Rumble Boxing Subiaco, and the money raised will be used to support world-leading immunotherapy research conducted by Perth Children’s Hospital Professor Nick Gottardo.
Immunotherapy harnesses the power of a child’s own immune system to fight cancer and has the potential to reduce the toxic side-effects of chemo and radiation therapies, improve survival rates and give kids a better quality of life.
PCHF has set a target to reach one million punches over the 24-hour period, with teams of six to be challenged to punch one bag non-stop for two hours to contribute to this target.
Several partners from national law firm Mills Oakley did not hesitate to sign up for the fundraiser, with Donnelle Hestelow and Rob Humphreys expressing their commitment to the cause.
Ms Hestelow, who specialises in estate planning and administration solutions for private family groups, said there was nothing more important than supporting good health outcomes in children.
“Watching children suffer is the worst thing and as a parent it’s your worst nightmare,” Ms Hestelow said.
“If you can help that journey to be easier for even one child, that has a flow on effect to that child’s family, friends, school and other networks.
“This cause is something that people can get behind, but to make a real impact on childhood cancer you’re going to need significant donations.”

Nora is a cancer survivor who was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at eight months old.
Mills Oakley workplace relations partner Mr Humphreys has provided legal advice to PCHF for many years and said he had seen friends experience the heart-breaking journey of having a child with cancer.
“Serious illness in children is something everyone can agree is a priority and is very sad,” Mr Humphreys said.
“This event ties in with the approach we take as a firm in terms of our contribution to social justice and giving back. It’s also a good chance to have a bit of fun and actively support in a different manner.”
Ms Hestelow and Mr Humphreys will be joined by four of their fellow Mills Oakley partners Tamara Heng, Patrick Thaung, Daniel White and Luke Nicholls.

Mills Oakley partners Rob Humphreys (left), Donnelle Hestelow and Luke Nicholls running together in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Teams from a long list of other businesses have signed up to participate in Punching for a Cure, including AngloGold Ashanti, ANZ, Australian Venue Co., Aveling, BDO Australia, BHP, Boutique Fitness, Brooks Hire, CBRE, City of Subiaco, EY, Firesafe Group, First Home Builders, Gold Perth, Hassell, Herbalife, HFW, Mars Recruitment, Panorama Club, Qetra, Rumble Subiaco, Shoreline Chambers, SIA Partners, South32, Spudshed, Stan Perron Charitable Foundation, Technical Resources, Timpano Legal, The White Knight Fund, Toyota, Visagio, Warrikal, and West to West Group.
PCHF chief executive Carrick Robinson said it was heartening to see so many of WA’s major corporate businesses getting involved in the event.
“Punching for a Cure has really resonated with the corporate sector, and we’re excited to have everyone join us on the day to help put childhood cancer out for the count,” Mr Robinson said.
To add your support and join the fight against childhood cancer, donate today at Punching for a Cure.