Dr Katrina Stratton became the Labor Party Member of the Western Australia Legislative Assembly for Nedlands in 2021, becoming the first Labor MP to fill the seat.
Dr Stratton has significant experience in social work and business administration, having attained a Bachelor of Social Work, Doctor of Philosophy, and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Western Australia.
She began her social work career in 1994 in child protection and hospital social work, engaging with families whose children had chronic illness, in the adolescent antenatal clinic, and special care nursery. Dr Stratton was also an educator across two of WA's social work courses with a particular interest in organisations, leadership, research, and field education. She has been involved in many activities aimed at building research capacity in the not-for-profit sector including delivering training, volunteering, capacity-building, leading research networks and communities of practice.
Dr Stratton holds the inaugural joint appointment between the School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work, and Speech Pathology with Wanslea, a WA non-profit, where she is the manager of research and evaluation.