The Foundation for the WA Museum is the museum’s fundraising arm and plays a critical role in encouraging investment to help preserve our unique cultural and scientific heritage and to present it to Western Australians and the world. The WA Museum is the State’s premier cultural organisation, housing WA’s scientific and cultural collection. For over 120 years the Western Australian Museum has been making the State's natural and social heritage accessible and engaging through research, exhibitions and public programs. Established in 1995, the Foundation facilitates the Museum’s vision and the delivery of vital programs across our seven metropolitan and regional sites in Perth, Fremantle, Kalgoorlie, Geraldton and Albany and the Collections and Research Centre in Welshpool.
The Foundation is managed by a Board of Governors further supported by a Financial Investment Committee, comprised of leading industry professionals to ensure the highest standards of integrity, governance and stewardship are realised for the Museum and its legacy.