Thursday, 28 April, 2011 - 00:00
Designtec stands up to import threat
ALMOST two decades ago, husband-and-wife team Sten and Rita Campbell bought Designtec, a manufacturer and wholesaler of free-standing office furniture.
Established in 1984 and acquired by the current owners, Sten and Rita Campbell in 1992, Designtec’s growth story commenced 5 years ago following the resignation of the original Directors. At that time, Sten and Rita Campbell made a commitment to build a world-class, manufacturing facility for office furniture in Perth.
Growing from a $2.6 million turnover and 16 staff in ‘03/04 to $5.1 million and 28 staff in ‘05/06, Designtec is now entering its next stage of development with relocation to a new, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Wangara.
ALMOST two decades ago, husband-and-wife team Sten and Rita Campbell bought Designtec, a manufacturer and wholesaler of free-standing office furniture.