TIMBER millers are nervously eyeing the December 31 deadline that marks the final day of their 10-year contracts, amid concerns over the State Government’s ability to make a final decision on volumes and contractual arrangements.
SPECULATION within the State’s development industry suggests the WA Government is considering an infrastructure levy on newly developed blocks similar to that implemented in New South Wales last year.
A GERALDTON physiotherapist, the head of FuelWatch, and the general manager of Austereo Perth were among the diverse range of talented women honoured at last week’s 2003 Tesltra Business Women’s Award
FINANCIAL planning group ipac has expanded into Western Australia by acquiring a shareholding in Subiaco-based RMG Financial Services.RMG managing director Rob Stone said the equity partnership would
IN a win for the grass roots campaigning, the recently launched Land Tax Revolt campaign has received the backing of the Real Estate Institute of WA and the Property Council of WA, with other peak industry and community groups in sight.
THE property development industry is watching carefully which way the Western Australian Government will move in regards to implementing the concept of an urban growth boundary.
Servicing a small population separated by vast distances, WA’s aviation industry faces many unique challenges. Tracey Cook examines what the industry must do to secure its viability.
AFTER being a tenant in 26 St Georges Terrace for the past 16 years, global recruiting and human resources consulting firm TMP/Hudson Global Resources is moving up the Terrace to be closer to its clie
With the relentless appetite for prime beachfront property focusing on Perth’s affluent coastal suburbs, public debate about the appropriate level of coastal development is set to reach a new crescendo. Tracey Cook reports.
THE South West metropolitan railway is costing the State too much money to the detriment of health, law and order and eduction, according to Opposition leader Colin Barnett.
FORMER United Airlines executive Scott Henderson will celebrate 11 months in the job as Skywest chief executive next week with what he terms a “pleasant surprise”, as the business posts its annual fig
AS coastal developments such as the South Beach development the Port Coogee Marina development make inroads on land availability south of Perth, the long-defunct South Fremantle Power Station is loomi
LOCAL property development company Access West Developments Ltd has lodged a prospectus with ASIC to raise $5 million through an initial public offering, and will list on the Stock Exchange of Newcastle Limited (NSX).
THE Real Estate Institute of WA has formed a committee to address issues within the project marketing sector in response to the rapidly growing off-the-plan and apartment real estate sectors