CAVERSHAM Property has expanded its development proposal for 100 St Georges Terrace to include a four-level retail arcade and eight-screen cinema complex fronting Hay Street Mall.
PLANS for a proposed family-style piazza for Northbridge have been shelved after Brock-well Group, including susidiary Western Plaza Hotel Corporation, bought the site for just under $6 million.
WITH building approvals for private sector houses and total dwelling units falling for the past four months, all indications suggest that WA’s housing boom is on the wane.
LOSS of privacy is no longer the issue it may have been in the workplaces of a decade ago. In these times of open-plan office design and ergonomic furniture, the lack of segregation is an accepted part of working life.
AFTER eight years in the firm grip of Marketforce the Health Depart-ment’s WA Quit campaign has been snatched away by 303 Advertising.
The high-profile campaign, worth $2 million, is one of Perth’s most coveted advertising contracts.
INTERIOR designers increasingly are being seen as the knights in shining armour for corporate managers juggling technological change and staff satisfaction, whi
WITH expressions of interest flooding in from businesses in the Kimberley, Pilbara, Northern Territory and Perth, the 2003 North West Expo is shaping up to be a stellar regional event.
HUGALL and Hoile Limited, Australia’s only listed irrigation merchandising company, has announced the appointment of Rohan Hardie (pictured) to the board of dir
A CALCULATED gamble to establish a weekly newspaper for Australian cricket devotees has turned up trumps for niche market publisher International Publishing Group.
PROPERTY values and politics won out in a recent Town of Victoria Park decision to block a community service provider’s office development application, according to Outcare chief executive Peter Sirr.
PLANNING and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan has released for public comment a public environmental review (PER) of a proposal to develop a 120 hecta
PERTH’S major commercial properties have diverted a critical portion of their lease exposure threat by pushing out lease renewal terms to 10 years, further closing the window of opportunity for Perth’s three major commercial development proposals.
PERTH food supply group Sealanes has engaged the local community in its efforts to ease the passage of a proposed 25,000 square metre development in South Fremantle.
DESPITE Perth’s Sealanes food supply group losing its US Navy contract to Brisbane-based Downie Jones Ship Stores, more than 90 per cent of the Americans’ recen
BIG spending by the US Navy injected more than $50 million into the Western Australian economy giving local business operators a healthy start to the New Year.
MORE than half the buyers who flocked to purchase property in the Subiaco Square Proximity Apartments on its first release were aged between 26 and 32 years, according to a recent research and marketing campaign.
THE State Government could profit from sinking the rail line between Perth station and Mitchell Freeway, according to cost assessments and land valuations commissioned by the Perth City Council.
THERE was limited but steady growth for Perth’s architectural firms last year as the five largest names continued to dominate the top end of the market.