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03/07/2018 - 11:01

Better data at BNiQ: biggest employers + role search

03/07/2018 - 11:01


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Better data at BNiQ: biggest employers + role search
NEW FEATURE: Search by role and download results

Business News has added two new features to its BNiQ search engine with a new Biggest Employers list and a better targeted search of executives and directors that allows users to target by role as well as download the results.

We have published a Biggest Employers special report every year for more than a decade but now we have taken current data to create a live list of the top 500 employers in BNiQ. You can narrow the list by using keywords to limit to industry or by name.

And finding executives in particular positions has been made a lot easier with the new role search on our Executives and Directors page. Type in any role you are searching for and download the list using the tab at the biottom of the page. This is a much handier search of of database of more than 30,000 directors and executives.

These features are for premium subscribers only. If you want to test drive our news and data offering please get in touch with our Subscriptions department.