Ziggy Switkowski

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Person Activity

PwC orders nine partners to take leave
NEWS: Tagged in PwC orders nine partners to take leave29 May 2023
PwC tax scandal escalates
NEWS: Tagged in PwC tax scandal escalates25 May 2023
Vote on Crown deal sails through
NEWS: Tagged in Vote on Crown deal sails through 20 May 2022
NEWS: Tagged in Subcontinent showdown a threat to all16 Feb 2022
Crown seals takeover deal with Blackstone
NEWS: Tagged in Crown seals takeover deal with Blackstone14 Feb 2022
Crown payouts irk shareholders, revenue plummets
NEWS: Tagged in Crown payouts irk shareholders, revenue plummets21 Oct 2021
NEWS: Tagged in High price of board games27 Aug 2021
NEWS: Tagged in Graduate Management Association Dinner, April 3027 Aug 2021
NEWS: Tagged in Graduate Management Association Dinner, April 3027 Aug 2021
NEWS: Tagged in Switkowski to join Lynas board27 Aug 2021

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