Empowering employees with taking responsibility for improving safety at work may seem like a risk, but with the right tools at their disposal, it can actually contribute to a reduction in the number of incidents on site says TOKN.
An innovative workforce automation platform, TOKN, is revolutionising the way companies can stay in touch with remotely located employees. By empowering those employees with the tools to effectively access all the information they need in the palm of their hands, TOKN sets a new standard in open communication streams with workers near and far.
The recent changes to WA’s HSE regulations have put a strong focus on companies having more responsibility for the safety of their employees, and as this onus shifts towards the corporate body, TOKN has created a tool – FieldSafe Safety Suite - to assist clients in this regard. It aims to not only make implementing preventative measures more efficient, but also streamlines responses after incidents have happened.
“By providing comprehensive, easy-to-access tools to not only identify and measure the risks of specific activities within the workplace, employers are providing workers with all of the information they need to reduce and mitigate the risks of an activity before it commences,” says co-founder Kevin Venter.
“On the flip side, if an incident does occur, TOKN provides the tools to immediately and accurately report this incident, injuries that have occurred, witnesses to the events and the circumstances of the event. When an incident is logged, managers are immediately notified so that they can immediately address and rectify any further hazards that are present as a direct result of the incident.”
Additionally, TOKN also provides an auditable, accessible trail of interactions, saved in a single location. So if an incident does occur, employers can easily check that the correct procedures have been followed before work was commenced. For example, if a worker has a fall from working at heights, the employer can see that the worker filled out the correct forms and followed the correct procedures before commencing and rectify any gaps in this procedure to ensure future incidents of the same nature do not occur.
In many cases, small and medium businesses do not normally have the time or funding to implement expensive safety software programs, and are often relying on paper-based systems instead which runs the risk of the old adage ‘paper gets washed, paper gets lost’.
Paperwork often gets lost, damaged or filed incorrectly which makes it hard to follow up on incidents and improve procedures. All of this can be eliminated by having a secure, auditable and traceable cloud-managed mobile solution, designed by TOKN.
“TOKN provides a low-cost solution to small and medium businesses that allows for these paper systems to be replaced with real time HSE apps, at a fraction of the price,” says Mr Schroeder.
“For example, TOKN recently completed a project with NECA WA where we have worked with the state-wide electrical association to build a low-cost solution that bundles all of the documentation electrical contarctors need into a single package.
“This way, members of the association (usually small teams of electrical contractors) can use this solution for as little as $15 a month without the need to have a custom solution built for each and every single electrical business,” he said.
NECA WA’s General Manager Member Services, Aidan O’Grady, highlights the need for all businesses to review and refine their safety processes, particularly in light of the new Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation that went live in WA earlier this year.
“TOKN Technology provides our members with an affordable way to complete WHS tasks digitally,” he said.
“Since launching the product in February this year, hundreds of risk assessments, electrical test sheets and pre-starts have been completed via the app. Not only does this help individual companies improve safety outcomes in their business, but it’s good for the safety culture of the entire electrical industry.”
The FieldSafe Safety Suite meshes effectively with TOKN’s approach to putting tech in the palm of clients’ hands and comes with a standard set of five apps including Vehicle Inspection, Risk Assessment, Take 5, Incident/Hazard Report and Pre-Start Assessment. There’s also the option of adding extra apps to the suite in a bespoke fashion for each business’s needs, making it an eminently adaptable and evolving tool for each client.
Additional benefits to increasing efficiencies once TOKN Enterprise platform is in play can have perhaps surprising added bonus effects, as TOKN’s client SMS Mining Services can attest.
“Once the TOKN Cloud Enterprise platform was introduced, vast efficiency improvements and improved cash flow throughout our workforce by automating some of our paper-based processes have occurred, “ said Lisa Carey, Financial Controller, SMS Mining.
For more information, visit tokntechnology.com