On Close the Gap Day, March 21, 2024, we highlight the work organisations are doing to push for better outcomes and recognition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

On Close the Gap Day, March 21, 2024, we highlight the work organisations are doing to push for better outcomes and recognition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
For more than a decade, Australians across the nation, in schools, businesses and community groups, have shown their support for Close the Gap by marking national Close the Gap Day on the third Thursday in March each year.
Youth suicide prevention charity zero2hero, based in Subiaco, has a strong focus on impacting young people across Western Australia, including in remote regions through its school programs delivered across the state.
“Last year, we successfully delivered programs in every region of WA. Over 15 roadshows we visited 22 schools in regional WA, including in The Goldfields, Wheatbelt, Mid West, Pilbara, South West, Great Southern and The Kimberley, providing much needed support for young people in more vulnerable areas,” Gemma West, zero2hero’s projects manager, told Business News.
Gemma West, zero2hero’s projects manager.
There is strong demand for mental health services in far-reaching areas to meet the needs and wellbeing concerns facing people living in remote communities. “People living in regional and remote areas often face additional challenges in seeking help for mental health concerns. This can be due to a wide range of reasons, including transient staff or shortages, limited resources and funding, and limited service options,” she said.
“It’s really important that the community has the education and tools in place to be able to support one another with wellbeing issues. Our programs aim to build community capacity and support existing mental health services, to ultimately prevent suicide in WA.”
Continued investment in medium- to long-term mental health education programs is needed to support outreach programs in these communities. “This enables us to build relationships, earn trust as a preferred educator, work alongside communities and tailor programs to what is really needed. This is achieved through frequent and regular visits to communities, continued stakeholder engagement and familiarity with our team,” Ms West said.
“Ongoing funding support and donations enable us to retain our excellent team of dedicated and passionate program facilitators, and support our travel to the regions, to make our mission possible.”
School attendance
The Y WA delivers a program targeting remote school attendance in Newman, providing holistic support on a case-by-case basis to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and their families to increase school attendance.
“While increasing school attendance rates is the goal, this program offers far more than just that. We work closely with families on a case-by-case basis, providing holistic support and assessing the specific needs and complexities of each household to provide the best care and outcomes,” the Y WA school engagement officer Sammi Ryder said.
The Y is faced with the challenge of working with families and students who are vulnerable and at-risk, and is committed to bringing positive change to the community. “Although we may have an address and a phone number for a student, they often move around among families, so we need to build strong rapport with them to know where they are to help them access the support services they require,” she explained.
“Every day is different for us. We acknowledge we need to be flexible and available, so our days and hours vary to match the needs of those in our community. We are committed to making a difference.”
Funded by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), the Y WA program covers transport, school supplies, stationary, uniforms, lunches, referrals to other services, outreach programs, sporting programs, food, activities and more.
CEO of the Y WA, Dr Tim McDonald, said, “The main goal of the education engagement and attainment initiative is to increase attendance rates in schools situated in remote areas, so that all children are provided with a quality education to allow them to flourish.”