One of the biggest challenges companies face when undertaking research is knowing where to start.
What is the right methodology? What questions should I be asking? How do I make sure I get insight I can use?
While there’s often a sense of urgency behind a research project – usually, it’s come about due to a pressing business need – to understand a new customer behaviour, to stop customers from leaving, to target different types of customers for growth – taking a step back to ensure clarity of focus is a critical part of the process.
My advice to businesses looking to undertake a research project is:
- make sure you’re clear what you’re trying to achieve
- communicate the research objectives to the broader organisation at the outset
- link back to the objectives throughout the project to retain the business focus
To hear more tips on how to get more effective outcomes from your research and avoid the common traps, listen to my latest podcast with Business Women Australia here:
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