Richard Moore has 30 years of experience in the international oil and gas industry. He began his career in the mid 1980s with Esso-BHP on the Bass Strait fields in Australia. He then moved to the UK where he worked for BP, BG, Brown & Root, and Granherne-KBR. Mr Moore returned to Australia in 2001 where he worked with Woodside until 2011. He is the principal of Rasmax Consultants, a business he founded in February 2011. He also continues to support Fluor Australia as front end studies consultant. Mr Moore has worked with innovative technologies throughout his career. His first role involved the implementation of the world’s first offshore hydrocyclones for oil-water clean-up. He has also been heavily involved in flow assurance from its very beginnings, working on flow assurance designs for the Kerr-McGee Gryphon FPSO in the early 1990s, and subsequently on the BP Cyrus subsea ‘pipeline bundle’ tie-back to the BP Andrew platform. Mr Moore played a significant role in establishing and maturing the flow assurance discipline. In 2004, he was appointed Woodside’s first flow assurance discipline coordinator, and with WA-ERA he organised the first flow assurance training in Perth. He has Master’s degrees in Chemical Engineering and Business.