Friday, 7 March, 2014 - 14:27
Win for women
There are now more than double the amount of women on Australia’s top corporate boards than four years ago.
Rachel Mottram has been a member of both Alcoa's Wagerup and Pinjarra refineries’ lead teams accountable for manufacturing improvement initiatives across refinery processes and systems. She has run refinery maintenance and production teams and has significant experience in process engineering and complex mineral processing operations in all areas of the Bayer Process. A significant highlight of her 17-year career with Alcoa of Australia was being promoted to a senior management role at the age of just 30. She became operating centre manager at Wagerup refinery in 2005, making her the ‘first ‘home grown’ female engineering graduate to secure such a senior position in such a short timeframe and within what has been a traditionally male dominated work environment. Ms Mottram's voluntary involvement with the Alcoa Women’s Network has afforded her the opportunity to be a mentor to other women in the workplace who are entering similar phases of their lives. She also volunteers at sporting clubs and is studying for an MBA. Ms Mottram is the 2014 CME Women in Resources award winner for People’s Choice.