Dr Paul Vogel AM has extensive knowledge and experience across three jurisdictions in environmental impact assessment, regulatory reform and achieving strategic environmental outcomes.
He was previously the chief executive and chair of the South Australian EPA from November 2002 to November 2007, with responsibilities for environmental regulation, development assessment and radiation protection. From 2001-2002, Dr Vogel was director of environmental policy with the WA Department of the Premier and Cabinet and director of environmental systems with then WA Department of Environmental Protection from 1995-2001. He is a board director of CRC CARE (Contamination and Remediation of the Environment), chair of the Advisory Panel to the Environmental Bankers' Association of Australasia, and chair of the Western Australian Marine Science Institution.
Dr Vogel has a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Western Australia.
In 2019, Dr Vogel was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia for significant services to public administration through environmental leadership roles.