Matthew Thomson

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Matthew Thomson
Matt has a Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting and Finance from University of NSW and is a Chartered Accountant. Having begun his career at Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers) he has over 15 years’ experience in senior financial & management accounting roles. Matt has been involved in a number of large debt raisings and private equity raises. Matt has experience in the mining, civil construction and property development sectors having led large finance teams in recent roles.

Person Activity

Matthew Thomson
NEW ROLE: Chief Financial Officer, SSH Group28 Jul 2021
GO2 makes play for Skill Hire Australia
NEWS: Tagged in GO2 makes play for Skill Hire Australia 07 Apr 2021
Matthew Thomson
REMUNERATION UPDATE: Chief Financial Officer, Joint Company Secretary, The GO2 People02 Nov 2020
Matthew Thomson
REMUNERATION UPDATE: Chief Financial Officer, Joint Company Secretary, The GO2 People24 Aug 2020
Matthew Thomson
REMUNERATION UPDATE: Chief Financial Officer, Joint Company Secretary, The GO2 People30 Jun 2020

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