Heather McCallum is a Chartered Accountant, board director and senior executive with experience in complex environments across a diverse range of organisations and sectors.
She joined the board of Housing Choices Australia in 2014 and was deputy chair until her appointment as chair in 2019. She is also a non-executive director of the Derwent Sailing Squadron and TADTas, an organisation dedicated to improving the independence, dignity and quality of life for people living with disability.
Ms McCallum has over 25 years of experience spanning audit and corporate advisory (including with Ernst & Young’s banking & finance division), private enterprise, startups, and for-purpose organisations. She has held general manager, chief financial officer, and senior leadership positions.
Ms McCallum holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from Queen’s University School of Business, is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and a recipient of the Governor General’s Award (Canada).