Donna Faragher has been WA's Shadow Minister for Education since 2017, Shadow Minister for Women's Interest under Liza Harvey's Shadow Cabinet in 2019, and the Liberal Party Member of the Western Australia Legislative Council for East Metropolitan Region since 2005. She became a minister in the government of Colin Barnett in 2008, and the youngest woman to hold ministerial office in Western Australia.
In November 2010, Ms Faragher resigned from the ministry in order to give birth to her first child. She was instead made parliamentary secretary to the premier, and held that position until March 2016 when she was appointed Minister for Planning and Disability Services in the cabinet reshuffle.
Following the 2021 WA state elections, Ms Faragher became the Shadow Minister for community services, early childhood learning, youth, seniors & ageing. She held the same portfolios within the National-Liberal Alliance, which was formed in February 2023.
Ms Faragher was federal secretary of the Australian Liberal Students' Federation in 1997. Prior to entering parliament, she was a policy advisor for Senator Chris Ellison, a federal government minister under John Howard.
Ms Faragher holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Education from the University of WA.