Commander Darryl Gaunt APM joined the Western Australia Police Force in 1982 as a cadet and was subsequently promoted to superintendent in 2010, and appointed to the South East Metropolitan District and the Goldfields-Esperance District. He has served extensively throughout Western Australia including the Goldfields, Pilbara and Mid-West Gascoyne regions.
From 2005 to 2010, Commander Gaunt led the establishment of multi-functional police facilities and services into remote Aboriginal communities as part of the response to the Inquiry into the Response by Government Agencies to Complaints of Family Violence and Child abuse in Aboriginal Communities (Gordon Inquiry).
In 2013, he was awarded the Australian Police Medal in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Commander Gaunt held numerous positions within the police operations team including as police commander coordinating the police response to the emergency. He is currently the assistant commissioner for Regional Western Australia.