Barry Winmar is a Whadjuk Noongar man with connections to the Ballardong region.
Mr Winmar has been the chief executive of the Institute of Indigenous Wellbeing and Sport, councillor at the City of Kwinana, and managing director of Winmar Enterprises.
He also serves on the WA State Government’s Aboriginal Cultural Centre Cultural Authority, the steering committee to oversee the planning and stakeholder engagement for the new Aboriginal Cultural Centre. The Centre will provide spaces for art, performance, education, research, community and commercial activities, and is planned to become a major tourist and events attraction.
Mr Winmar spent almost 15 years as a police sergeant in the WA Police Force. He had also held senior policy roles within the WA State Government in the areas of emergency services, corrective services, Aboriginal advisory services, child protection and Aboriginal justice. He was a director on the Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation, as part of the wider South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council.
Mr Winmar holds a Master of Business Administration, an Advanced Diploma of Business Management, and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.