Andrew Caruso is a qualified mining engineer with over 25 years of experience in the Australian and international mining industries, including significant corporate leadership and business development experience as well as operations and strategic planning, capital projects, and mine management.
He has business leadership and large project experience coupled with extensive technical and operations knowledge.
Prior to his appointment as chief executive of Crosslands, Mr Caruso was managing director of Australasian Resources where he was instrumental in the acquisition and development of the Balmoral South Iron project. Prior to that, Mr Caruso worked with Snowden Mining Consultants, BHP Billiton Iron Ore, BHP Coal, PT Inco Indonesia and the Robe River joint venture operated by Rio Tinto. Mr Caruso is a director of strategy and business development at Alcoa Bauxite and a non-executive director of Ascot Resources.
He has a Bachelors degree in Mining Engineering and a Graduate Diploma in Finance and Investment.