Through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Parenta Group Limited (“Parenta”), Lara Group is the United
Kingdom’s largest supplier of services to the early years sector (i.e. ages 0 to 6), working with around
5,000 clients in the United Kingdom and providing a wide range of early years training courses,
consisting of online courses, childcare apprenticeships and diplomas in management and business
administration. Lara Group was established in 2000.
Lara Group is the largest dedicated training provider to the early years sector in the UK, providing
vocational training to over 2,000 early years students, ranging from age 16 and older. In the last 10
years, Lara Group has trained in excess of 20,000 students and has a reputation for delivering high
learner completion rates.
In addition, Lara Group provides specialist sector specific Software-as-a-Service (“SaaS”) childcare
management and child development tracking software to childcare businesses and progress
monitoring smartphone applications to parents. Lara Group is also the UK’s largest independent
collector of nursery fees and the largest provider of marketing services to the early years sector.
In May 2017, Perth ASX-listed company iCollege announced plans to acquire Lara Group in a scrip deal.