Collaborative Systemic Change

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Collaborative Systemic Change (CSCPL) was formed in 2005, succeeding Simpson Norris International (SNI) as a leading company in change and change management in Australia. Two of CSCPL’s principals, the late Nick Norris and Dave Goddard, had worked together in SNI for over a decade and created the Walk Together design, drawing on Dave’s experiences in working between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal cultures. With assistance of Colin Bell, the third director of CSCPL, they further developed and refined Walk Together to create a tool for the holistic management of change, irrespective of whether the change is within a single culture or between different cultures. CSCPL today operates with Dave and Colin as directors, focussing on assisting with Noongar efforts in preserving identity, culture and language, as well as issues with alcohol management in remote communities. The Company will wind up its operations as of 30 June 2018.

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10 Greenshank Mews, WANNANUP WA 6210
08 9367 2002

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