Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre

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The Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (AMGC) is an industry-led not-for-profit organisation established in 2015 as part of the Australian Government’s Industry Growth Centre Initiative.

It forms part of a national network of manufacturers, universities, research institutions, and export hubs.

The Centre aims to drive innovation, productivity, and competitiveness in Australia’s manufacturing industry by sharing research and fostering engagement between stakeholders in its network.

Contact Details

Customs House, 31 Alfred Street, Sydney Sydney 2000

Company Activity

Appointments October 4, 2024
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Lithium Australia to bank $185k for innovation
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Lithium Australia refines battery cathode technology
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Cronin to lead advanced manufacturing program
NEWS: Tagged in Cronin to lead advanced manufacturing program01 Oct 2024
Matthew Cronin
NEW ROLE: Matthew Cronin, WA State Director01 Oct 2024

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