Higher demand for new housing is placing further pressure on the state's land supply, as a new report finds land sales are tracking at more than 40 per cent above the 10-year average.
An ample supply of industrial land coupled with softening conditions in the resources sector could lead to downwards pressure on rents, new research has found.
Diploma Group has developed a new remuneration package for managing director Nick Di Latte with a lower base pay but new performance incentives as it prepares to face shareholders at its annual general meeting next week.
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has permanently banned a former broker from engaging in any financial services activities, following her jailing for defrauding 24 investors of more than $4 million.
Apartment developer Psaros has substantially expanded its operations after gaining financial backing from private equity investment groups Dorado and Alceon.
After a record-breaking 2012, the past 12 months have been pretty quiet for new office construction in Perth, with little significant space to be added until 2015.
AFG Property is set to proceed with construction of its $87 million Richmond Quarter apartment development in East Fremantle after appointing Pindan this week as the builder.
Property executives were the big movers in this year’s Wealth Creators list, while the resources slowdown put the hurt on mining services directors’ fortunes.
The state's housing construction market is tipped to remain at its strongest level in years on the back of a 34 per cent increase in dwelling starts in 2012-13.
Finbar Group is on the lookout for new opportunities in the Pilbara, despite selling less than half the apartments in its most recent project in Karratha.
The big gains in Perth residential property prices in the first half of 2013 have come to a screeching halt over the past few months, but the adjustment in Perth pales next to the big falls in the Pilbara.
Finbar Group has obtained planning approval to build 154 residential apartments at the Springs precinct in Rivervale, coming off an announcement last week of approval for a $170 million project in Subiaco.
Colliers International has been appointed to manage two new facilities for the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research which will hold a combined value of $200 million when they open next year.
Perth's office sublease space has increased by more than 70 per cent since the start of the year but supply is likely to have reached its peak, according to the latest research from CBRE.
The head of the Reserve Bank of Australia says house prices aren't rising too fast but has warned buyers not to over-extend themselves when taking out a home loan.
Nomad Building Solutions has placed its Queensland operations on ice and appointed a new chief executive, having earlier moved to wind down its Western Australian-based regional housing and commercial modular building businesses.
Four of Perth’s iconic sporting and community venues are going through major planning and redevelopment projects – but that’s where the similarities end.
Property group PBD Developments will tap the market for $41.8 million as it looks to reduce its existing debt facilities and pursue new development projects.
Jaxon Construction has won contracts for an apartment project in central Perth and a community centre in Cockburn, taking its new contract wins for the quarter to $78 million.