Bulls N' Bears Triton to investigate bold move into downstream processing Internal study shows increased profit margins up to 10 times for semi finished graphite products as opposed to raw production. 14 Sep 2015
Bulls N' Bears Triton produces wonder product in Singapore lab Graphite product from Triton Minerals Mozambique project successfully converts to graphene oxide. 14 Sep 2015
Bulls N' Bears Drake discovers exciting new magnetic signature in Sweden New prospect only 50km from Voisey Bay style Granmuren Nickel discovery 14 Sep 2015
Bulls N' Bears Drake narrows on Scandinavian drill targets with high grade samples Historic Scandinavian copper zinc precinct set to benefit from modern exploration techniques 10 Sep 2015
Bulls N' Bears Hammer Metals appoints ex Rio Engineer to board Perth based Hammer Metals have appointed ex Rio Tinto Senior Mining Engineer Simon Bodensteiner to their board to replace outgoing director Patrick Corr. 10 Sep 2015
Bulls N' Bears Zani lays out vision for ATM machine upstart Reciprocal ownership strategy with manufacturer creates competitive edge for Stargroup. 09 Sep 2015
Bulls N' Bears Red Mountain banks $600k in difficult market Company now funded to drill test exciting high grade targets 08 Sep 2015
Bulls N' Bears Blackham firms up Matilda project with solid numbers Fresh drilling confirms historical results at Wiluna. 08 Sep 2015
Bulls N' Bears Red Mountain hits pay dirt - again Exploration program strikes bonanza gold grades at surface in the Philippines. 07 Sep 2015
Bulls N' Bears Red Mountain locks in farm out deal for non-core asset Korean group to earn up to 75% for US$2m expenditure on non-core Philippines prospect. 02 Sep 2015
Bulls N' Bears Triton adds jumbo flakes to its graphite arsenal Nicanda Hill project now able to supply entire range of graphite product to off-take partners. 28 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears Blackham adds more tonnes on the path to production Pre-feasibility drilling at Galaxy deposit now complete with production imminent. 27 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears Hammer nails Overlander copper deposit in Mt Isa Drilling campaign yields 53% resource upgrade and adds nearly 8000 tonnes of copper concentrate 26 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears Unexpected windfall for Terrain Old battery sands may contain up to $4m worth of gold 24 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears Red Mountain produces outstanding surface samples New drill targets identified at high grade Lobo gold project 23 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears Blackham adds another high grade gold lode Strategy to increase resource prior to recommissioning of Wiluna Gold plant on track. 23 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears Triton graphite suitable for multi-billion dollar battery market Lithium ion battery market expected to be worth $26b within a decade 21 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears Koreans weigh into Stargroup above market Major shareholder spends over $730k buying shares in Perth ATM play 17 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears Stargroup to bank big savings on ATMs New distribution agreement leads to sizeable hardware savings for ATM operator. 17 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears Analytica appoints medical heavyweight to board Former European Medicines Agency Executive Director takes up role at ASX listed medical technology company 12 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears Red Mountain raising to drill promising new target Company looking to replicate existing South West Breccia gold resource 11 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears iCash Star Group merger completes Merged entity banks $3m to boost ATM network 06 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears Terrain identifies high-priority EM conductors at Fraser Range New structural interpretation of tenement throws up new priority targets 03 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears PharmAust closer to multi-billion dollar cancer market “First in man” anti-cancer drug trial shows promising results 03 Aug 2015
Bulls N' Bears iCash growth strategy to follow Stargroup merger Only ASX listed company to deploy ATM machines within Australia 03 Aug 2015