THREE months after winning a $2.5 million contract to manage BHPBilliton housing in Port Hedland and South Hedland, Delta Facilities Management has been sold to the Compass Group for an undisclosed sum.
AUSTAL Ships, in partnership with Defence Maritime Services, has won preferred tenderer status to build and support the Royal Australian Navy’s 12 new Armidale class patrol boats.
MOVES to introduce a crane safety assessment program has raised fears that crane companies without union agreements will be barred from sites and small operators will be locked out of the industry.
A PERTH bicycle manufacturer is starting to break into the lucrative top end of the competitive cycling world with a range of carbon fibre bike forks that are lighter and stronger than most on the market.
AN enterprise order served on Perth builder Jerry Hanssen on August 15, that follows the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union’s draft enterprise bargaining agreement to the letter, could have a major impact on non-unionised medium-sized
A BITTER and costly demar-cation battle between the Australian Workers Union and the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union could be in store for the successful tenderer for the $1.4 billion Perth to Mandurah rail project.
BUILDING accounting firm KPMG’s prominence in the oil and gas industry is one of the key challenges the firm’s new Western Australian chairman, Steve Scudamore
COMMERCIAL construction firm Entact Clough, part of listed WA engineering firm Clough Limited, will soon be closing its doors and reopening as Perth Building Company.
A BILL opening the door for gas market deregulation and enshrining in law Western Power’s charging policies for power upgrades in regional Western Australia has been passed by the
A NATIONAL push by the Australian Workers Union to force wineries onto a new Federal award does not seem likely to affect producers in Western Australia.
A 20-YEAR battle waged by three sisters to extricate themselves from a lease on Western Australian Government-owned land in Gosnells, without having to pay a six-figure sum to cle
A WESTERN Australian Industrial Appeal court decision has given employers some certainty over how much money to pay workers who have been made redundant.
THE battle to get a board seat on listed pharmaceutical company VRI Biomedical was not a factor in Sally Capp’s recent decision to relocate to Melbourne, a point she wants to stress as she serves out her last four months as managing director of Australian
THE State Government may struggle to pass two crucial bills that it needs to get its proposed deregulation of the State’s electricity industry through on schedule.
INSURANCE and wages costs from the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union’s latest enterprise bargaining agreement are causing some sub contractors to cl
PASSIONATE about the triple bottom line, family businesswoman Kathryn Thomas is encouraging businesses throughout WA to take greater responsibility for their ow
BUNBURY-BASED thermal processing and materials handling company Ansac has acquired the intellectual property and copyright for the Jostek Boiler range.
LISTED Western Australian solar energy player Solar Energy Systems has signed an indefinite distribution agreement with Hugall & Hoile for its Sun Mill pump
WESTERN Power’s head office on Wellington Street, Perth, will be running on half power during the 12 days the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline is expected to be operating at diminished capacity.
A NEW Designs Bill has been introduced into Federal Parliament that will, if passed, repeal the current Designs Act that dates back to 1906 and significantly change Australia’s design laws.
COMPANIES moving from the Western Australian industrial relations system to the Federal one has increased the likelihood of the State’s IR regime being controll
A UNION-DRIVEN campaign, linked by some to former Premier Brian Burke, is aiming to derail the Western Australian Government’s version of the break-up of Western Power.
TRYING to realign the business reality of Indonesia with the negative perception that shrouds the island nation is one of the tasks Ross Taylor has set for himself during his term as Western Australian chairman of the Australia-Indonesia Business Council.