WHILE much of the talk surrounding Tap Oil’s attempt to merge with Arc Energy centres on the companies’ potential future, merged or otherwise, some of the history behind the bid is just as interesting.
IT all sounds simple, doesn’t it? Punch a few keys on a mobile phone, send the message, and wait to see how much money you’ve saved at the end of the month.
SMS (Short Message Service) text messaging over mobile phones has been one of the ‘in’ things for tech-savvy people, particularly the younger crowd, for the past two years or so.
CURTIN University has opened the new Western Australian Argon Isotope Facility, and renamed its Centre of Excellence in Mass Spectrometry as the John de Laeter Centre of Mass Spectrometry.
DAYTRADERHQ Ltd has raised just $300,000 from a non-renounceable rights issue that was to raise more than $1.1 million, and is negotiating to ensure the issue’s underwriter makes up the difference.
LESS than three years ago a relatively young European medical firm set itself up in Perth to offer a new form of treatment for joint injuries, particularly those of the knee.
HARDWARE retailer Bunnings, a division of Wesfarmers Ltd, has completed the digitalisation of its ordering system across its more than 200 stores in Australia.
The TIAC report concluded that a central challenge for State Government policy was to use the increased access to global markets and information sources made possible by the new economy to offset the impact of global consolidation on
RESEARCH reports from two different sources have recommended the State Government adopt a more targeted approach to industry development if there is to be continued innovation and development within the WA economy.
ERG has been in the wars of late, including more court cases, big write-downs and concerns from its auditor. Hugh Halloran examines a largely forgotten project the company launched three years ago with much fanfare.
Perth’s Lumacom Ltd has signed a US$150,000 licence agreement with Taiwanese electronic sign maker Inwood Industries Co. Ltd for the local company’s Luma Sign signage system.
E-COMMERCE and web developer IPT Systems Ltd has lodged writs in the WA Supreme Court claiming $800,000 the company had placed in a third party trust account.
The issue of employee trading in company shares is back in the news, following daytraderHQ’s announcement last weekthat writs against the company had been lodged.