Mandurah has its sights firmly set on a brighter economic future. A series of priority projects are in the pipeline, all geared towards boosting the local economy. A new trajectory for the seaside city is well underway.
Last year the City of Mandurah, in conjunction with the WA State Government, undertook a detailed economic analysis to identify Mandurah’s existing economic advantages and disadvantages, relevant global drivers that play to these strengths, and future economic opportunities.
The resulting ‘Transform Mandurah Economic Opportunities’ report laid out Mandurah’s fundamental structural challenges of the past 20-30 years, providing the City with a comprehensive baseline from which to confidently address Mandurah’s toughest issues over the next decade.
Key among the findings is the need for a new ambition for the City. Community expectations are high, with a desire to capitalise on the city’s strengths in tourism, potential as a remote working hub, natural amenity and enviable lifestyle. A revised City Centre master planning process is underway to create a vibrant commercial centre next to the city’s revitalised waterfront.
Mandurah Mayor Rhys Williams explains the City has focused on key projects over the past 12 months to build and continue Mandurah’s momentum on its way to becoming the lifestyle capital of Western Australia.
“It’s no secret that Mandurah offers highly appealing lifestyle opportunities, combining a wealth of natural and built assets by the coast with our proximity to Perth CBD,” Mayor Williams said.
“We’re aiming to leverage our lifestyle offering to accelerate other economic opportunities – such as attracting a larger white-collar workforce – but this will require investment from both the private sector and all levels of government.
“Over the past 12-18months, we’ve been busy enhancing our public spaces, both in bushland settings and by the waterways, to create even more of an enviable lifestyle to live, work and play, and also encourage visitors to our beautiful city.”
The Australian-first Giants of Mandurah exhibition, created by world-renowned artist Thomas Dambo, demonstrates this new ambition.
“Since the Giants of Mandurah project launched in November last year until the end of January, the Mandurah Visitor Centre has welcomed 64,000 visitors. These numbers are unprecedented and are five times more than the previous year,” Mayor Williams said.
“This incredible project has had a massive positive impact not only on visitor numbers to Mandurah, but to our local businesses and community who have all embraced the Giants and the joy they bring.”
In recent times, Mandurah has seen a massive works program throughout public spaces, including milestone upgrades and projects a part of the $22million Mandurah Waterfront Project.
This has seen the creation of a new and improved spaces and amenities for all to enjoy on the foreshores, including the new circular Kwillena Gabi Pool, brand new Koolaanga Waabiny playground, and a makeover of the Smart Street Mall.
“These works lead into what’s happening on the Western Foreshore, as we’ve been working on how we can activate the commercial precinct and make the best use of the iconic waterfront location. We’re excited to see this project progress,” Mayor Williams said.
In addition to these public works, the positive momentum continues with more than $100million of private investment projects planned, including major developments along Mandurah Terrace in the City Centre.
“We’ve also extended our retail trading hours by 12 hours per week, and are in the process of developing a City Centre Master Plan and Parking Plan, both of which are integral to the city’s future development, growth and character,” Mayor Williams said.
“As part of this master planning, we’re continuing to advocate for increased housing density in the City Centre, giving people more options for housing in Mandurah.
“These significant investments and plans, coupled with other transformative priority projects in the pipeline, are setting us on our new path forward, and helping us to achieve our vision as the lifestyle alternative to Perth and the Southern City for Perth and Peel region.”
For more information about the City of Mandurah’s Transform Mandurah program, go to mandurah.wa.gov.au/transform