A transport link between Fremantle and Murdoch has been added to the national priority list by Infrastructure Australia, along with a shiplift or berths at Henderson.

A transport link between Fremantle and Murdoch has been added to the national priority list by Infrastructure Australia, along with a ship lift or berths at Henderson.
The South Street corridor, which links Murdoch to Fremantle, had the second highest congestion costs per kilometre in Perth, according to a 2017 state government analysis.
Infrastructure Australia added the corridor to its priority initiative list today.
It said potential options to solve the congestion would include enhancing the road network, improved bus services, or a high-capacity public transport option.
It comes after the Roe 8 extension was assessed by the national independent infrastructure arbitrator in 2015.
That would have linked Murdoch to the port.
The project scored a cost benefit ratio of 2.5.
But IA stopped short of specifically naming the Roe Highway route in the report today, referring only to road enhancements.
Today’s IA update also highlighted infrastructure capacity at the Australian Marine Complex as a priority.
The complex is home to the state’s shipbuilding and maintenance industry.
The options included new berths, fabrication halls, an upgraded shiplift, dredging, and additional breakwaters.
The state government has been lobbying to move a bigger part of the maintenance of Australia's submarine fleet to Henderson.
Collins class submarines are already generally maintained at Henderson but head to Adelaide for their major mid-life maintenance work, known as full-cycle docking.
A big campaign to remove level crossings, capacity upgrades on the Fremantle, Armadale and Midland lines, and improved digital services in the bush were also added to the priority initiative list.
All of that is in addition to projects that have been on the list for years, such as improved port capacity in Perth and in the Pilbara.
Premier Mark McGowan said a record 26 projects and initiatives were on the list.
“My government has never given up fighting for WA and securing national recognition for our strong plan for jobs and diversifying the economy.
“It is not just Metronet and our record investment road infrastructure, Infrastructure Australia continues to recognise the McGowan Labor government’s efforts to diversify the WA economy.
“The record number of WA projects listed as ‘nationally significant’ includes our investments in defence, LNG research, electricity infrastructure and improving digital connectivity in regional WA.”