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08/06/2020 - 15:26


08/06/2020 - 15:26


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Made up of the Regional Centre of Northam, significant farming areas, and the smaller communities of Bakers Hill, Grass Valley and Wundowie, the Shire of Northam is a community of opportunity. With over $250m invested into the community over the past four years and plans for significant future development, Northam is positioning itself as a vibrant regional centre of significance and an exciting place to live or invest.

Northam, like every other community across Western Australia, has been impacted by Covid-19; however we have a strong economic base centred on agriculture, health, public administration, and construction, coupled with a growing and diversifying economy which gives us confidence that our community will come out of this period stronger and more vibrant.

The diversification our Community has been seeking is across retail, tourism, hospitality, and logistics.

Vibrant Central Business Districts are critical to strong communities. With this in mind, Council has focused on a combination of strategies; including public amenity, financial incentives for shop upgrades, provision of alfresco parklet infrastructure, and just a general attitude of trying to make things as easy as possible for business. To achieve this, Council has adopted a very clear CBD Connectivity Strategy as well as creating a Business ‘concierge’ service to assist our business community.

Northam has experienced an influx of retail developments including the recently refurbished Northam Boulevard owned by the Perdaman Group, the new Northam Village Square shopping centre, built and owned by Windsor Knight Group, and a range of other refurbishments and new offerings including the impending introduction of a new Bunnings Store planned for 2020. Tourism and hospitality offerings have also improved greatly with the opening of the Bilya Koort Boodja: Centre for Nyoongar Culture and Environmental Knowledge (BKB), and the recently opened and renovated DOME Farmers Home Hotel, building on an existing wide range of quality tourism and hospitality offerings, including the renowned Bakers Hill Pie Shop and of course our hot air ballooning.

Aboriginal Culture, its promotion and perhaps more importantly conservation, is a priority focus for Council. The BKB is a world class interpretive centre located on the foreshore of the Avon River in Northam’s CBD. This regional tourist attraction offers an interactive educational experience that celebrates and recognises the rich Aboriginal and environmental presence in the Nyoongar Ballardong region.

While tourism and hospitality will play a growing niche role in Northam’s future, it is in freight and logistics where Council sees significant opportunities. This focus has culminated in the proposed development of the Avon Logistics Hub, strategically located adjacent to the Great Eastern Highway and Great Southern Railway (linking Perth to the Eastern States).

Procon Developments (Australia) Pty Ltd Managing Director and proponents of the planned Avon Logistics Hub, Mr Leon Key, is positive about Northam and its future

Procon Developments are very excited about the future of Northam. We have already developed a state of the art road house/truck stop and are now looking to develop a nationally significant logistics hub in Northam over a 60 hectare site.

 “We are forecasting a very prosperous future for Northam which will see growth in industry, population, employment opportunity and local economy. We are very glad to be a part of the plans moving the region forward”. Mr Key said

As a Council we have had a strong focus on building relationships with organisations and individuals who share our vision and optimism for the Shire of Northam. Our view as a Council is we are a facilitator of development, but want investors/developers who are committed to our community and looking to value add by supporting our local sporting and community groups, employing our local people and buying from our local shops. One of these businesses the Perdaman Group, Chairman Mr Vikas Rambal, sees a bright future for the community

Perdaman is large property investor in Northam and have a firm belief in Northam as a regional centre, being so close to Perth and with a proactive community focused on the growth and further opportunities”. Mr Rambal said

If you are interested in our community, I would invite you to contact me personally. I would be pleased to talk with you about the exciting future that lies ahead for our Community!