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22/04/2020 - 17:13

Fraser Range hotting up now for Legend

22/04/2020 - 17:13


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Legend Mining is hot on the tail of an emerging nickel-copper-cobalt discovery at its Mawson prospect in the revered Fraser Range in WA, with assay results all-but-confirming the presence of economic metal grades within the visual extravaganza of massive sulphides seen in the company’s first diamond hole of the year. The widest zone came back at 12 metres grading 2.76% nickel, 1.36% copper and 0.14% cobalt from 234 metres down hole.

Fraser Range hotting up now for Legend
Legend's Managing Director Mark Wilson (front center) and his team.

Legend Mining is hot on the tail of an emerging nickel-copper-cobalt discovery at its Mawson prospect in the Fraser Range, with assay results all-but-confirming the presence of economic metal grades within the visual extravaganza of massive sulphides seen in the company’s first diamond hole of the year. The widest zone came back at 12 metres grading 2.76% nickel, 1.36% copper and 0.14% cobalt from 234 metres down hole. 

“Hole 8” has an impressive combined length of mineralised zones reaching 41.5 and the results verified five separate zones of nickel - copper sulphide mineralisation in total between 148m and 234m down hole. 

These numbers include 5.8m grading 0.97% nickel, 0.61% copper, 0.05% cobalt, 10.4m grading 1.32% nickel, 1.11% copper, 0.07% cobalt, 6m grading 2.85% nickel, 1.86% copper, 0.15% cobalt and 6.9m grading 2.55% nickel, 1.67% copper, 0.14% cobalt. 

Legend said that the consistent nickel and copper grades in this hole are very significant.

Managing Director Mark Wilson said: “In simple terms this is pay dirt.” 

Hole 8 was designed to test an off-hole conductive feature as seen in a downhole electromagnetic survey with conductance’s reaching 6,000 to 8,000 siemens. The conductive feature was interpreted to be the extension of an existing 14.9m hit grading 1.07% nickel, 0.75% copper and 0.06% cobalt from 114m down hole. 

Legend has since drilled a total of three diamond holes since and has just encountered another hot zone full of sulphide minerals, with a combined thickness of 36.6m in a hole just 20m from Hole 8.

The company said an upper 15m interval, from 129.25m downhole has abundant vein, breccia, disseminated, semi-massive nickel - copper sulphides. A lower internal, 21.6m wide from 217.5m downhole, has three separate massive nickel - copper sulphide units.

The new diamond core has not been sampled yet and will be geologically analysed before the core is cut and sent to the lab.

Mr Wilson said: “Our expectation is [the assays] will be every bit as good as those reported on 21 April 2020 from hole 8.”

Downhole electromagnetic surveys have been run down the current diamond holes and Legend has found multiple off-hole conductors to follow up on.

Meanwhile, the rods are continuing to turn and after a year or two of tracking and tracing, Legend is now well blooded for the hunt and it looks like its long awaited pay dirt is now starting to show itself. 


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