The AICC(WA) in association with the Israel Trade Commission and CORE Hub, hosted a suite of Israeli companies with tech innovation and advanced solutions for the Mining industry in early July.
Historically Israel has not had a large resources industry, but through stellar economic development over the past decade has evolved a number of exploratory projects. In addition to extracting natural resources, Israel has also developed offshore LNG and strong sustainable energy infrastructure markets. In the past few years Israel has transformed from a net energy importer to a net energy exporter.
A dozen Israeli companies and trade representatives joined this inbound delegation to Australia, under the auspices of the Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute.
Victoria Jackson Executive Director West Coast Members at Minerals Council of Australia provided the forum with context for driving an innovation agenda within Australia’s Mining sector. Noting that Mining accounted for 55% of Australia’s export market and 15% of GDP, she also presented examples of the big and diverse portfolio of mineral and resource products. New technologies for exploration such as drilling and sensory products are driving current innovation.
Commenting on the impact of automation on employment, Ms Jackson showed the sector’s commitment to upskilling and redeployment, noting research results showing that tech will enhance or redesign 77% of jobs. When the conversation is reframed to global competitiveness, local economic development and productivity yields, then true innovation is about workforce skills and development.
The Israel Trade Commission operates through the Embassy of Israel. In seeking collaboration. Cece Zhu, Trade Officer, also acknowledged the value of mining to Australia’s community and economy, and shared examples of Israel’s technology that has innovated Australian industry.
Mr John Cluer, AICC(WA) Chief Executive addressed the forum with the announcement that a delegation to Israel for the Australian minerals and resources markets was being planned for 2020. He further showcased the Chamber’s outreach activity to facilitate the identification of new business opportunities and bilateral trade between Israel and Australia.
Some of the companies showcasing products and services included Airobiotics and Razorlabs. Airobotics develop drones and intelligent robots for a number of markets and offer commercial UAV solutions. The technology includes automatic self launch and landing capability. Similarly, Razorlabs is a leading AI solutions company developing machine learning and predictive technology based on big data and video analytics. Both companies have a current presence in the Western Australian market.
For further information about Israel’s technology and innovation for the Mining and Resources sector please contact Mr John Cluer, AICC(WA) Chief Executive, on perth@aicc.org.au