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12/11/2018 - 09:22

Bulk Transport and Logistics Business For Sale

12/11/2018 - 09:22


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Bulk Transport and Logistics Business For Sale

Dowerin Bulk Transport was originally established in 1988 servicing local farmers by carting grain & fertiliser and offering a fertiliser/lime spreading service.  Since 2003 the business has expanded and diversified and now services the agricultural and mining sectors of WA. 

The business is comprised of 4 operational streams:

•    Carting grain at harvest from October to January, carting and spreading fertiliser and lime usually from February to July. Grain movements can be anywhere in the Wheatbelt region, lime usually comes from Lancelin and fertiliser from Kwinana.

•    Bin Carting all year round, subcontracting to clients carting grain from various CBH sites to rail or port depots.

•    Dangerous Goods all year round, delivering ammonium nitrate (sub-contracted to clients) to mines in the Pilbara. In some cases, the client provides the trailing equipment or otherwise DBT’s own equipment is used.

•    Delivering product from a quarry near to the business’s head office in Dowerin all year round. Products include road base, sand & dust, aggregates 7mm – 20mm, sealing material 5mm – 14 mm, shot rock/spalls & armour rock and stemming.

The business has a well-maintained fleet of reliable vehicles and trailing equipment that is serviced in their own workshop. The fleet includes 10 Volvo Globetrotters, a Nissan Prime Mover, approx 21 Bulk Tipping Trailers, 9 Dollies, a fuel tank, spreader, an elevator and several utes.

The business employs well-trained operators to effectively meet client expectations, maximising profit through minimising breakage and downtime.

DBT has excellent retention of their well-trained drivers by ensuring their comfort, fitting all trucks with phones, GPS, fridges and air-conditioning.  They employ very competent office staff who maintain compliance and ensure all records are kept up to date. The business has yearly truck utilisation reports available that itemises income by market sector.

Over the course of 30 years, DBT has built a solid customer base trading on its great reputation of honesty, efficiency and integrity.  

The business has revenue between approximately $4-$5 million and is constantly on the lookout for contract opportunities to continue building the business.

The town of Dowerin is in the Central Wheatbelt approximately 150 kms, about 2 hours drive northeast of Perth.  DBT owns an industrial block of land where it keeps its fleet of vehicles, fuel tanks and storage and also leases an adjacent block which has a brick office and substantial workshop. Lease and/or sale of these properties to be negotiated.

After proudly being family owned for many years the owners are now reaching retirement but will mentor the new owner if required for a mutually acceptable period of time.

The asking price for the business is $4 million on a walk-in, walk-out basis. This business may be an ideal add-on to diversify an existing transport business. To receive a full business profile and financials contact Wayne Cooper at Statewide Business Brokers on 0407 997 777 or 08 9586 3509 or email