Dear John,
I am writing on behalf of graduates everywhere to advise you as to how and why hiring a graduate like me can and will benefit your business!
The Sydney Morning Herald reported that in Western Australia, there are 44 graduates competing for each graduate position. So what does this mean for you and your business?
You have the pick of the bunch!
Training graduates is like fortifying wine, with the right conditions and commitment; the finished product will reflect the preparation process. Therefore, you have the opportunity to shape the professional qualities and attributes of your newest recruit to suit your future business needs.
Deloitte’s 2017 millennial survey findings show loyalty is increasing and my fellow millennial graduates and I are more likely to stay in a job with stability and job satisfaction for more than five years so, in contrast to my colleagues from other generations, we are loyal and seek positions providing security and stability, along with career advancement opportunities.
As graduates, we are enthusiastic to learn and prove our worth through hard work. We will accept an entry level salary in return for mentoring and valuable experience from industry professionals and it will be difficult to find someone with some experience under their belt who possesses the same enthusiasm and willingness to learn to match us, providing a better financial option for your business.
The upbringing of soon to be graduates in the Information Age has produced a generation of naturally adept lifelong learners. It is a known fact we are expert social media users and followers and we are motivated to stay current with new technology and apps. Rather than this being a disadvantage, you can use our skills to your advantage. Employing a graduate will not mean the radicalisation of your workplace, but will bring knowledge and a new perspective on how technology could improve processes and productivity, helping give your organisation a further competitive advantage.
In summary, there are many of us graduating in 2017, so you have plenty of us to choose from. We bring enthusiasm, energy and a keen willingness to learn. We are tech savvy and, with a little attention and mentoring, we will become valuable assets for your business - motivated to stay and work hard - for a modest entry level salary.
John, we look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Yours Sincerely,
Bridget Totterdell,
(On behalf of the class of 2017)
Contact WCA- People & Culture Solutions to learn more about Graduate and/or Mentoring Programs or if you require any assistance with managing your Industrial Relations and Human Resources on (08) 9383 3293 or admin@wcasolutions.com