Plans by listed mining company CI Resources Ltd to revive its fortunes by appointing new directors, including former state development minister Clive Brown, have suffered a major setback after the federal government rejected plans for new mining leases on
Learning the best ways to store wine could prevent some nasty surprises when opening a bottle after it has been stored at home for several years, according to wine buff Blair Hill.
A growing number of Western Australian businesses are bringing their international recruitment services in-house in an effort to cut out the costs associated with hiring migration agents.
Because State Scene has long supported cleaner energy generation worldwide, the Australian Labor Party’s decision at its national conference to at last scrap its silly three uranium mines policy and instead back additional mining of this energy source, wa
Western Australian premium food and beverage companies are targeting lucrative export sales to the small Chinese territory of Macau as the flurry of international investment into new hotels and casinos in the territory presents strong demand for WA niche
This year’s $US32 billion ($A40 billion) takeover of US power utility TXU was famous for being the world’s biggest private equity deal, but it has also become renowned for the role of environmental activists.
Sales of hybrid vehicles in Western Australia have almost doubled on last year for the year to date, as 4WD and sports utility vehicles fall out of favour with buyers across Australia and overseas.
Fremantle-based Oil Mallee Company Ltd hopes to capitalise on current market sentiment by working towards bioenergy production with an initial $300,000 capital raising and possibly listing on the Australian Securities Exchange.
The state government’s long-awaited Climate Action Statement, injecting $40 million of funding into renewable energy development and committing to renewable energy targets, has received a mixed response from within the sector.
Western Australia should move towards ‘sustainable functionality’ through a restructuring of its agricultural industry and adaptation to the changing climate, according to an internationally renowned water expert.
The Sarich family’s Cape Bouvard Investments Pty Ltd has made further investments in Mandurah, securing 9.9 hectares of land at 20 Hungerford Avenue Halls Head last week for $22.5 million.
After selling his Highgate night spot, Luxe Bar, a couple of months ago, Geoff Hayward says he’d be focussing his attention on his pub down the road, The Brisbane Hotel.
Growing numbers of confounded political and party boffins have, understandably, begun asking each other who is going to win the coming federal election?
The booming WA economy has prompted many businesses to establish or expand their in-house legal teams, creating new professional opportunities for lawyers and new challenges for law firms selling their wares.
Seven months after releasing its first prospectus, and in the face of strident criticism from the Legal Practice Board of Western Australia, Perth company Integrated Legal Holdings Ltd is pushing ahead with plans for a share market float.
Three substantial commercial law firms have been established in Perth in the past year and each has adopted a fundamentally different strategy and business model.
Construction company Laing O’Rourke Ltd and the Dampier Port Authority hired two of Perth’s top law firms last year when they became enmeshed in a complex dispute over the building of a new jetty; but that hasn’t helped them achieve an effective outcome.
The Takeovers Panel has concluded that its operations should be able to continue effectively despite a Federal Court ruling last month that cast doubt on its future.
An increased amount of litigation and regulatory action over the disclosure practices of listed companies has become one of the main risks facing company directors.
Maintaining good working relationships with external lawyers is much more important than introducing alternative billing arrangements when it comes to managing legal costs, according to legal counsel surveyed by WA Business News.
Lengthy construction timetables in the CBD have led to an increase in the number of tenants seeking rentals in mid-sized office developments in West Perth and fringe city areas.
If business in Western Australia thought it was impossible for government services to get worse than they already are, then just wait until the lethargy triggered by the Corruptio
More than 25 charities in Western Australia are licensed to fundraise for cancer research and support services, including both state and national organisations.