The Honourable Sue Ellery MLC is currently Leader in the Legislative Council in Western Australia’s State Parliament and is the Minister for Finance, Commerce and Women’s Interests. She is the first woman to lead the Government in the Legislative Council.
In the portfolio of Finance, Sue is responsible for delivery of State Government infrastructure projects, including the Women and Babies Hospital and Aboriginal Cultural Centre, Government procurement of goods and services, administration of revenue laws and grant and subsidy schemes for the Western Australian community.
In the Commerce portfolio, Sue is keen to drive improvements for Western Australian consumers, businesses and workers through fair and effective regulation, licensing and consumer protection laws.
As the Minister for Women’s Interests, Sue is focused on delivering positive outcomes for women in all areas. As a senior Minister in Government, Sue is keen to see practical and impactful changes that will ensure women can achieve to their full potential in all areas of their lives.
Born in 1962 and raised primarily in Perth, Sue has been a member of the WA Parliament since 2001 representing the South Metropolitan region in the Legislative Council.
Prior to Parliament Sue worked as an advocate in both the community sector and the trade union movement representing low paid workers.
Sue held the portfolios of Education and Training from 2017 to 2022 and was a Minister in the previous WA Labor Government holding the portfolios of Child Protection, Communities, Seniors and Volunteering and Women.