Grant Morahan

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Grant Morahan
Professor Grant Morahan is a graduate of La Trobe and Melbourne Universities, and holds a doctorate in immunogenetics from the University of Melbourne. He worked as a Fogarty International Fellow at the prestigious Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation in California. Taking up a position at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne, he led a research team working on the genetics of complex diseases and researching immunological tolerance. Morahan was the State Councillor of the Australasian Society for Immunology and founding President of the Immunology Group of Victoria; he is a member of the Steering Committee of the international Type I Diabetes Genetics Consortium; Principal Investigator of the Asia-Pacific Type I Diabetes Genetics Network; a member of the prestigious worldwide Faculty of 1000; and a founder of the Complex Trait Consortium. He was appointed in 2005 as the inaugural Diabetes Research Foundation Professor at the University of Western Australia, and the Director of the Centre for Diabetes Research at the Western Australian Institute for Medical Research at the Royal Perth Hospital campus. In addition to being Director of the Centre for Diabetes Research, Grant founded Geniad, a company which will offer pharmaceutical services based on a world-leading genetic resource, The Gene Mine. He is Chief Scientific Officer of Geniad. Professor Grant Morahan established GordianTec which was founded in August 2011 to commercialize applications of technology developed by researchers at the Centre for Diabetes Research at the Perkins.

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