Anthony Coles

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Anthony Coles
Anthony Coles joined listed renewable power and water company Solco Ltd in a General Management role in November 2011 and was appointed CEO in April 2012. Anthony brings a dynamic entrepreneurial energy to Solco, drawing on his experience bringing new products & services to market since the mid-90’s.
Prior to joining Solco Anthony worked in a senior management role with Solar Shop Australia, helping to launch Australia’s 1st specialist solar finance product, SunWorks, in 2010. Anthony also led the development of SSA's internal “Solar Academy” QA training program, and introduced new online lead generation and customer loyalty programs. In 2011 he also assisted with the separation of their commercial EPC business and launched Commsolar, developer of one of the 1st Megawatt-scale solar PV installations in Australia.
Anthony has continued further studies in Renewable Energy, EMS & Sustainability over the last 15 years, and sites his personal and professional goals aligning to influence the uptake of renewable energy in Australia and overseas.

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