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12/02/2024 - 09:52

Walking Wins: WA’s next big step in fight against heart disease

12/02/2024 - 09:52


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Heart Foundation's biggest-ever physical activity campaign encourages more Australians to get moving and improve their heart health.

Walking Wins: WA’s next big step in fight against heart disease
Heart Foundation WA General Manager, Dr Helena Viola (left), and Fiona Gardiner (right), Acting Head of Corporate Partnerships, kicking off the walking wins campaign in Western Australia

This month, the Heart Foundation launched its biggest-ever physical activity campaign, Walking Wins, to encourage 400,000 Australians to get moving and improve their heart health.

Heart disease is a largely preventable condition yet remains a leading cause of death in Australia. Walking is an ideal form of physical activity that can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease by 35%.

The Heart Foundation’s WA General Manager, Dr Helena Viola, said walking is free, accessible and can be done almost anywhere.

"Walking is a win for everyone," Dr Viola said. “It’s affordable and can be as easy or challenging as you choose. Walking just 30 minutes a day can lead to a healthier mind, body and heart.”

“We at the Heart Foundation aim to empower 400,000 Australians to take extra steps towards a healthier heart.”

The Walking Wins campaign encourages people to join a local walking group or get a free six-week Personal Walking Plan. The Heart Foundation also offers resources and tools to help individuals and communities get started. This included walking guides, tips for incorporating walking into daily life, and information on local walking groups.

This February, Business News is walking for the ones they love, signing up as a walking group host organisation.

“Becoming a Heart Foundation walking group host organisation will allow Business News to create a social environment that supports the health and wellbeing of their employees.”Dr Viola said.

The Heart Foundation invites Corporate WA and all West Australians to take their next steps towards a healthier mind, body and heart and share their Walking Wins.

For more information on how to register for a free Personal Walking Plan, join a local walking group, or sign up as a walking group host organisation, visit