THE Western Australian Tourism Commission has embarked on a $40,000 eastern States online and print advertising campaign aimed at attracting potential travellers to its Internet site
A promotion to win a trip to WA will feature in the ads, which will prompt potential travellers to log on to the WATC web site.
According to WATC executive director of marketing and communications Rick Thomas, the new promotion represents a marketing shift by the WATC.
“This print and online campaign aims to reach people who are interested in travel and attract them to Western Australia’s main destination website,, to register their details for an online competition,” Mr Thomas said.
“This data will then be used to target Western Australian holiday offers to potential travellers.”
A total of $14,000 will be spent on press advertising to feature in The Sydney Morning Herald, Sunday Telegraph, Herald Sun and Sunday Herald.
The online advertising is spread across a variety of web sites on the F2 Network and includes Ninemsn,,, Ads will also feature on Yahoo Australia and New Zealand.