King River Resources is back in WA’s East Kimberley region, with the drill rods turning again as the company chases more high-grade gold veins across its Mt Remarkable land package 60km south of its mammoth Speewah Dome speciality metals project. Its best historical drill result came from the Trudi vein in 2018 where it hit 4m at over 3.5 ounces to the tonne.
That intersection included a one metre section at a staggering 346 g/t gold, or a tad over 11 ounces to the tonne on the old scale.
Other notable hits at Trudi from past campaigns were 6m at 60 g/t which contained 2.8m at a stellar 108 g/t gold and a 4m hit at almost 40 g/t gold including 1m at 82.7 g/t.
King River has over 30 RC drill holes locked into the current 2,500m drilling campaign before the Kimberley’s wet season sets in. The primary objective is to investigate offsets of its high-grade gold mineralisation with 4 holes approximately 120 to 150 metres East of that original Trudi discovery.
The company also plans to test four main targets along the Trudi vein, including following up on strike and dip extensions to the east and west of the high-grade mineralisation delineated in previous grid drilling at the Trudi Main prospect.
The other prospects to be tested, including the Trudi Offset, Trudi West and Trudi East will target mineralisation seen in RC drilling during the 2019 campaign along approximately 1,000m of strike.
King River said it also plans to test nine other prospective epithermal veins on its ground, including the Jeniffer North prospect, where it had sniffs of gold in last year’s campaign and the Gemma Offset Vein prospect which has not been drilled but has gold grades recorded from historical rock chips.
The company’s technical team has also added a tantalising quartz adularia vein to the prospect inventory for the current drill program where previous drilling failed to hit the vein at depth, despite some surface rock chip grab samples returning gold grades up to almost an ounce to the tonne.
King River is already gearing up for another reconnaissance exploration programme in next year’s dry season over fresh ground it pegged along a 200km strike length, trending south from the Speewah Dome. The prospective, gold-rich ground stretches from WA Mining Resources’ Hunter project in the north to well east of Halls Creek in the south.
The gold market in WA is red hot right now and the market is interested in anyone that has even a sniff of gold – with multiple ounce plus hits already in the bag, King River clearly fits that bill – watch this space.
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