Perth-based diversified resources company RMA Energy Ltd has discovered a new high-grade tin/copper mineralisation zone at a key Queensland project.
Managing director Clive Triplett said identification of the new prospect confirms that mineralisation is more widespread across the project than initially thought.
"The Coane Range tenement in northern Queensland has been historically mined in places with high volumes of low-grade tin in the area," he told WA Business News.
"The company now plans to step up its exploration work, following the identification of this new mineralisation zone within the tenement."
RMA's geological team believes the new zone, named Amphitheatre, is a circular shaped valley encapsulating a section of its Paddy's Creek catchment where sampling has confirmed the presence of at least four distinctly dark, out-cropping iron-rich prospects.
The sample returned significant results for copper and tin, Mr Triplett said.
Commenting on the discovery of a new prospect, company founder and chairman Terry Byrt said Amphitheatre raises the curtain on an area with exceptional prospects.
RMA listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in June 17, 2007 and has 10 tenements in its portfolio in Queensland, eight coal-related and two of tin/copper prosect.
Mr Byrt holds a 54 per cent share in the company.